Hanif Mohammad celebrates 81st birthday

December 24, 2015 | By

Mumbai, Dec 22:  Four national captains (present and former) were present in the late-night birthday party of their beloved former Pakistani batsman Hanif Mohammad. This was revealed by Seema Syed, the daughter of Hanif Mohammad, the ex-Pakistani captain.

Hanif Mohammad turned 81 on Monday and the daughter has specially come from London for the party, which was organised by Hanif Mohammad’s wife (Shamshad Begam).

Speaking exclusively over telephone from Karachi, she said, “there were five captains at the party yesterday. Misbah-ul_Haq, Azhar Ali, Younis Khan and Mohammad Hafeez were present in the party, which lasted till 2.00 AM on Tuesday. We all enjoyed very much and my dad was in tremendous jovial mood”.

“Yes, he is 81 n.o. and inshallah (God willing), another 19 (minimum) to go”, she added.
“I have given 1 million perfume (brand name) set to my father. It was brought by my husband, who flew in yesterday morning”.
Later, speaking exclusively from his breakfast table before leaving for the physiotherapy exercises (at Aga Khan Hospital), Hanif Mohammad said, “the room is full of all gifts and presents. The 1 million perfume set seems to be very expensive. All the  expenses for yesterday’s party was incurred by my wife”.

“Yes, the cake was beautifully ordered by my daughter. It resembled green pitch with a bat-ball and a pair of pads. The cake also showed the highest score made by me in Test and First Class cricket”.

“Sadly, the cake-maker wrote 377 instead of my highest individual Test score of 337 runs (against West Indies at Bridgetown in 1958). The score of 499 runs (Karachi versus Bhawalpur at Karachi in 1959) was also marked on the cake”, Hanif Mohammad added.

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